Thursday 1 November 2018

My (0,Y) Find | A Song About Slope, Linear Equations, and Graphing | Dr. Lodge McCammon

Download the mp3, lyrics and additional materials from Discovery Education Streaming

Verse 1:
M, find the slope
Take two coordinates or two ordered pairs
(3,1) (4,6) if you dare
Label X's and Y's
Hold your change in Y values
Over change in X values in the air
5 over 1 now we're there
Yea the slope has got it covered
Take the rise over the run
You gotta rise before you run
Up 5 and over 1

The equation of a line
y = mx + b that crosses y
That's the intercept we're trying to find
So we can always be (0,Y)'d
As long as slope is still rise over run
Then we can plug in any X just for fun
And find every corresponding Y
To locate any coordinate that falls on the line
Be my (0,Y) find

Verse 2:
We know the slope
m equals 5 over 1, so select
One ordered pair (3,1) and inject
In the slope intercept form of a line
y = mx + b time
1 equals 15 plus the y intercept
I'm y axis and I'm taking this bet
That the line will be crossing me
At negative 14

A positive sloping line will go up and to the right
A negative sloping line will go down and to the right
A zero sloping line will have different Xs with no changing Ys
If we have changing Ys and no change in X
That's undefined

Copyright © 2014 Dr. Lodge McCammon. All Rights Reserved.
Author: Lodge McCammon


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