Thursday 25 October 2018

Ya Devi || Empowering Womanhood ||**WARNING**| Lyrics in Sanskrit & Bengali |

Namo Devyai Mahaa-Devyai Shivaayai Satatam Namah |
Namah Prakrtyai Bhadraayai Niyataah Prannataah Sma Taam ||1||

1.1: Salutations to the Devi, to the Mahadevi; Salutations Always to Her Who is One with Shiva (the Auspicious One).
1.2: Salutations to Her Who is the Auspicious (being One with Shiva) Primordial Source of Creation and Controller of Everything; We Bow Always to Her.

Raudraayai Namo Nityaayai Gauryai Dhaatryai Namo Namah |
Jyotsnaayai Ce[a-I]ndu-Ruupinnyai Sukhaayai Satatam Namah ||2||

2.1: Salutations to the Terrible, Salutations to the Eternal, the Shining One and the Supporter of the Universe.
2.2: Salutations Always to Her, Who has a Cool Brightness like the Moonlit Night, And the Radiant Form of the Moon, and Who is Joy Herself.

Kalyaannyai Prannataa Vrddhayai Siddhayai Kurmo Namo Namah |
Nairrtyai Bhuubhrtaam Lakssmyai Sharvaannyai Te Namo Namah ||3||

3.1: We Bow to Her Who is the Source of Welfare, Who is Great, Fulfilled and Abides as the Universe,
3.2: Salutations to Her Who is the Destroyer as well as the Prosperity which Supports the Earth and Who is the Consort of Shiva(in the Divine Play of Creation, Sustenance and Destruction).

Durgaayai Durga-Paaraayai Saaraayai Sarva-Kaarinnyai |
Khyaatyai Tathaiva Krssnnaayai Dhuumraayai Satatam Namah ||4||

4.1: (Salutations to) Durga, Who helps us in Crossing over the Difficulties and Dangers of Life and Who is the Essence of All Causes.
4.2: Salutations Always to Her, Who is Renowned and Widely Known Outside (in Creation) Just As She is Dark and Smoky and Difficult to Know Inside (in Meditation).

Ati-Saumya-Ati-Raudraayai Nataas-Tasyai Namo Namah |
Namo Jagat-Pratisstthaayai Devyai Krtyai Namo Namah ||5||

5.1: Salutations to Her Who is Extremely Gentle like the Moon and also Extremely Terrible like Rudra,
5.2: Salutations to the Devi Who is the Supporter of the Universe and Salutations to Her Who is the Creator of the Universe.
শিল্পী : পণ্ডিত তুষার দত্ত

For listening pleasure only. Copyright violation or infringement of any kind is NOT meant or intended.
*******Lyric Courtesy Google******


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